Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

AGO 1956 NO. 315 >

RCW 28.19.110 (§ 29, chapter 157, Laws of 1955) removes from the board of county commissioners the discretionary authority to determine the amount of funds to be annually allocated to the county superintendent of schools, and requires the county commissioners to allocate the amount of funds to the county superintendent of schools that is certified as needed by the county board of education to the board of county commissioners.

AGO 1952 NO. 321 >

A county commissioner may hold the office of school board director, and also be a part time employee of a public utility district, provided such positions do not create such a multiplicity of business that they cannot be executed with care and ability.

AGO 1952 NO. 335 >

County commissioners of sixth-class counties are entitled to necessary, reasonable traveling expenses as road supervisors in addition to compensation for their services as road supervisors which by chapter 9, Laws Ex. Sess. 1950, RCW 36.32.320, is limited to $1200.00.

AGO 1954 NO. 336 >

County commissioners have the power to fix the budget of the county hospitals.  The board of trustees of a county hospital, through the general superintendent, has the power to hire and classify employees, but the county commissioners fix the budgetary allocation for salaries for each classification.

AGO 1952 NO. 385 >

Motor Vehicle funds may not be used by the county for the purpose of erecting or maintaining ferry slips contemplated to be leased to a privately owned and operated ferry company.

AGO 1953 NO. 507 >

It is not illegal for the executive secretary of the Washington State Association of County Commissioners to act as a lobbyist during legislative sessions, notwithstanding the fact that his salary is paid from public funds.