Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

AGO 1952 NO. 412 >
DURATION OF APPROPRIATIONS TO LEGISLATIVE BUDGET COMMITTEE. The appropriation for the Legislative Budget Committee terminates at the end of the biennium.  The committee may not be empowered to expend a future, anticipated appropriation.          
AGO 1952 NO. 413 >
LEASE OF SUPPLEMENTARY WATER SUPPLY BY MUNICIPAL CORPORATION FROM A PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL. A municipal corporation may lease a water supply from a private party in order to supplement existing water supply without the necessity of holding an election.         
AGO 1952 NO. 414 >
VETERANS' PREFERENCE UNDER COUNTY CHARTER. The omission in the proposed King County Freeholders' Charter of mention of veterans' preference would not prevent the state veterans' preference statute from being applicable.              
AGO 1952 NO. 415 >
AUTHORITY OF NORMAL SCHOOL REGENTS TO EXECUTE BONDS FOR MILITARY EQUIPMENT. The trustees of the state colleges of education have authority to execute bonds for the safeguarding of government military equipment.               
AGO 1952 NO. 416 >
ELECTORS ‑- FORFEITURE OF ELECTIVE FRANCHISE BY CONVICTION OF INFAMOUS CRIME ‑- MEANING OF "CONVICTION" AS TO PAROLEE. A person whose guilt of an infamous crime has been determined by a plea or verdict of guilty and who has been placed on probation therefor pursuant to RCW 9.95.200, et seq.,
AGO 1952 NO. 417 >
HIGHWAYS ‑- FERRY SLIP AND DOCK AREAS. Purchase of ferries and leasing of ferry terminals changes status of ferry slips and dock area approaches from private to public highways.                     
AGO 1952 NO. 418 >
CONSTITUTIONALITY OF REAL ESTATE SALES TAX ACT. There is no unconstitutional delegation of authority to determine what is a real estate transaction in the real estate sales tax act.                    
AGO 1952 NO. 419 >
DISTRIBUTION OF FINES IMPOSED AND COLLECTED FOR TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS. Fines imposed and collected for traffic violations must be distributed pursuant to the provisions of chapter 75, Laws of 1949.                  
AGO 1952 NO. 420 >
APPROPRIATION FOR CAPITAL OUTLAYS, MAJOR REPAIRS AND BETTERMENTS AT STATE INSTITUTIONS. The appropriation for capital outlays, major repairs and betterments at state institutions may be used to supplement an inadequate appropriation to finance the construction of a better approach to the Rainier
AGO 1952 NO. 421 >
DEFINITION OF WORD "INSTITUTION" An institution of the state is any organized activity created or established by law or public authority.