Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

AGO 1954 NO. 358 >
CITIES AND TOWNS ‑- AUTHORITY TO CONVEY TRUST PROPERTY ‑- PUBLIC SQUARE ‑- AUTHORITY TO LEASE State Capitol Committee has no authority without authorizing legislation to execute long-term lease of subsurface beneath public square in City of Olympia.         
AGO 1954 NO. 359 >
SCHOOLS ‑- POWERS OF DISTRICT ‑- LIABILITY INSURANCE The board of directors of a school district may expend school district funds to pay the premiums on an insurance policy limiting the district's liability occasioned by bodily injuries to its students or faculty members on school premises.  
AGO 1954 NO. 360 >
LICENSES ‑- MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATOR'S ‑- SUSPENSION BY COURT FOR NEGLIGENT DRIVING A court is not authorized to suspend the motor vehicle Operator's license of a person convicted of negligent driving, by virtue of RCW 46.20.280.  AGO 49-51-360, 10/3/50 to Chief, State Patrol, overruled.  
AGO 1954 NO. 361 >
TAX ‑- REAL ESTATE SALES ‑- APPLICABILITY TO ORDINARY LEASE ‑- WHERE PARTIES EXECUTE SEPARATE OPTION TO PURCHASE WITH CREDIT ON PRICE FOR RENTALS PAID The real estate sales tax applies to a lease with an option to purchase, though the option may be executed separately.     
AGO 1954 NO. 362 >
OFFICES AND OFFICERS ‑- APPOINTEES ‑- HOLDING OVER A member of the Veteran's Rehabilitation Council may sit and function after his term has expired until he is reappointed or a successor is appointed and qualified.              
AGO 1954 NO. 363 >
HOSPITAL DISTRICTS ‑- INDEBTEDNESS ‑- LIMITATIONS 1. The maximum bonded indebtedness which can be authorized by the voters in hospital districts is five percent of the assessed valuation of the property in the district. 2. In determining maximum bonded indebtedness, no consideration need be given
AGO 1954 NO. 364 >
COUNTIES ‑- PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS ‑- GUARDIANSHIP PROCEEDINGS PRIVATE PRACTICE A prosecuting attorney in a county other than class A may not accept employment in guardianship proceedings where notice of hearing would otherwise be issued requiring him to appear in his official capacity.  
AGO 1954 NO. 365 >
VETERANS' RE‑EMPLOYMENT REEMPLOYMENTRIGHTS UNDER FEDERAL AND STATE LAW The Federal law providing for veterans' re‑employment reemploymentis controlling when it conflicts with the provisions of a State law on the same subject.             
AGO 1954 NO. 366 >
COUNTIES ‑- LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM REMOVAL OF STOP SIGNS 1. County could be held liable for damages resulting from the removal of stop signs deemed unnecessary by county officials. 2. An avoidance of liability for the removal of stop signs will be dependent upon the usual defenses to
AGO 1954 NO. 367 >
LIABILITY OF THE STATE FOR NEGLIGENCE OF EMPLOYEES OF A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION CONTRACTING WITH THE STATE When a City is performing the State's statutory duty of operating and maintaining a drawbridge located within the City limits, which bridge is a part of a primary state highway, with the City to