Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

Tired of reading Kristin's trivial tidbits? Well, now you get a break. Please join me in welcoming three new All Consuming voices. Paul Edwards, Alex Binz and Johnie Freatman are helping out this summer and I'm sure you'll enjoy their updates!

Paul Edwards is a Communication student at Pacific Lutheran University and two-time combat veteran with the United States Army.  He resides with his family in Olympia.

Alex Binz is currently a senior at Seattle Pacific University, pursuing a double major in Political Economy and Rhetoric, and he plans on earning a joint J.D./Ph.D. after he graduates. He specializes in the history and theory of economics -- and has presented research at professional economic conferences for the last three years.

Johnie Freatman will be a freshman this fall at the University of Southern California and is captivated by two passions: sports and politics. He constantly ponders how to make a career out of his two loves. For a long time, he has strived to be an elite sports announcer and that hasn’t changed. But he also wants to eventually try his hand in politics. In any event, he looks forward to incorporating his love of current events and communication into these blogs.


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