Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown


SEATTLE -- A California company has been sued by the Washington State Attorney General’s Office for sending unsolicited faxes advertising herbal Viagra and get-rich schemes to government offices, in violation of federal and state laws.

"This company wasn't very smart," said Attorney General Christine Gregoire. "Even after we warned them to stop, my office continued to receive dozens of these faxes."

The lawsuit, filed in Federal District Court, alleges that Stellar Network of Signal Hill, California and its owner Dean Tolzman and manager Thomas Turpin have been sending unsolicited faxes into Washington since at least 1997. The company faxed advertisements for its own "fax blasting" services and for the products and services of other companies. Sending a junk fax is prohibited under both federal and state law.

"People are irritated because they pay to receive this junk," said Gregoire. "They pay for the paper and the time wasted waiting to receive legitimate business faxes."

The state wants the company to stop sending the junk faxes, provide restitution to those harmed, pay civil penalties and reimburse the state for its legal costs.

To file a complaint with the Attorney General's Office call (800) 551-4636. For hearing impaired call (800) 833-6384, or click here.

