Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

The Ferguson File a monthly e-newsletter from attorney general bob ferguson

attorney general bob fergusonDear Friends,
I want to thank my team for their hard work and dedication toward serving the people of Washington state. Here’s a snapshot of our victories on behalf of all Washingtonians.

Combating the opioid epidemic: After six months in trial, this week we announced a resolution-in-principle that will deliver approximately a half-billion dollars to combat the opioid crisis in our state. We could have joined the overwhelming majority of states and settled with the three largest opioid distributors, but we chose to fight them in court instead. The decision to take them to court will result in significant additional resources for Washington to combat the opioid epidemic. These resources will increase prevention efforts and help Washingtonians in need of treatment and wraparound services.

Standing up for Washington consumers: More than 120,000 Washington taxpayers cheated by Intuit into paying TurboTax for electronic tax filing that they should have received for free will receive $3.75 million in restitution  $30 for every year they were harmed by Intuit.

Taking on climate change: A landmark environmental law requires that the federal government to “look before it leaps” into a major decision that could have significant environmental consequences. This month we filed a lawsuit against Postmaster General DeJoy for illegally failing to significantly consider electric alternatives before deciding to replace the United States Postal Service fleet with primarily all-gasoline vehicles. Our country  and our planet  will be living with the effects of this decision for decades. We will continue holding the federal government accountable to the rule of law.

Holding JUUL accountable for targeting youth: JUUL will pay $22.5 million to avoid going to trial against my legal team in the lawsuit we filed regarding JUUL’s deceptive advertising that targeted youth. Additionally, JUUL will cease its illegal, deceptive marketing practices, including most social media advertising, and pay for a uniquely robust “secret shopper” program that will operate in all 39 Washington counties to prevent retail sales to youth. The money will support increased health equity enforcement work, including enforcement efforts to prevent online tobacco and vapor product sales to youth.

Ending the sexual assault kit backlog: This month Fox13’s “The Spotlight” ran a story on my office’s initiative, in collaboration with the Legislature and State Patrol, to end the shameful sexual assault kit backlog in Washington state and bring justice to survivors.

Protecting Washingtonians’ right to choose: Like so many Washingtonians, I am outraged by Justice Alito’s draft opinion. The draft opinion, however, as outrageous and extreme as it is, does not outlaw abortion. I can assure you in no uncertain terms that my office will do everything in our power to protect and preserve this fundamental and important legal right, and protect the right of anyone who wants to come here to Washington state to access reproductive health care.
You can view my social media posts here and here.
I proudly stood beside elected leaders and choice advocates to reaffirm my commitment to protecting Washingtonians’ fundamental and legal right to choose. You can watch my remarks here.
We will continue to seek justice and protect the health and safety of all the people in Washington State.

Thank you for following the work of the Attorney General's Office.


bob signature

Bob Ferguson
Washington State Attorney General

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