Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

AGO 1949 No. 174 -
Attorney General Smith Troy


The Veterans' Rehabilitation Council may be authorized by the auditor to incur expenses payable by warrant drawn upon the veterans' compensation fund for purchase of photostating materials and supplies necessary to complete applications for the bonus.

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                                                                December 7, 1949

Honorable Cliff Yelle
State Auditor
Legislative Building
Olympia, Washington                                                                                                              Cite as:  AGO 49-51 No. 174

Attention:  H. C. Ashenfelter

Dear Sir:

            Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of November 25, 1949 in which you request our opinion as to whether or not the materials and supplies being purchased by the executive officer of the Veterans' Rehabilitation Council for use in photostating documents necessary in making application for the veterans' bonus may be paid for under the provisions of § 5, chapter 180, Laws of 1949.

            It is our conclusion that these expenditures may properly be paid under the provisions of this section if deemed by you to be necessary expense in the administration of the act.


            Section 5, chapter 180, Laws of 1949, provides:

            "The executive officer of the Veterans' Rehabilitation Council shall advise with and assist the State Auditor in the performance of the duties of the Auditor under this act, and when so called upon, the executive officer of the Veterans' Rehabilitation Council shall employ such persons and incur such expenses as may be necessary, such expenses to be paid by  [[Orig. Op. Page 2]] warrant drawn upon the War Veterans' Compensation Fund."

            This section permits the auditor to call upon the executive officer of the Veterans' Rehabilitation Council for assistance in the performance of the duties of the auditor under the act.  By § 4 the auditor is authorized to procure such printing and office supplies and equipment and employ such persons as may be necessary in order to properly carry out the provisions of this act.  All the expenses incurred by him in the administration of the act shall be paid by funds drawn upon the veterans' compensation fund.  This authority is extremely broad and, in our opinion, is ample to authorize the purchase of materials and supplies to be used in photostating documents necessary to complete applications for the bonus.  The administration of the act is placed completely in the hands of the state auditor and it is within his discretion to determine that photostating equipment and supplies are necessary.  If he calls upon the executive officer of the Veterans' Rehabilitation Council to assist him he may authorize the latter to perform any of the administrative duties with which he is charged.

            In our opinion he may properly authorize the payment of expenses by the Veterans' Rehabilitation Council incurred at his request from the veterans' compensation fund.

Very truly yours,

Attorney General

Assistant Attorney General