Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

HITS LogoA Partnership in Crime Prevention and Criminal Apprehension

The Homicide Investigation Tracking System (HITS)  is a program within the Attorney General's Office that tracks and investigates homicides and rapes.  It is the only statewide central repository for information relating to violent crimes against persons. Data from more than 10,600 murder investigations and more than 8,200 sexual assaults has been collected through HITS, and has been used to assist local law enforcement in the investigation of these crimes. Typically, in every calendar year, HITS will respond to almost 800 requests for assistance or information. The investigators who work in HITS also provide expertise to the local and national jurisdictions on homicide and rape investigations. HITS is a national leader in developing and using computers in innovative ways to prevent and increase the solvability of crimes and has been the recipient of several grants to study "trends" or common characteristics in violent crime.


To collect, analyze, link, and then provide law enforcement with information that will facilitate the resolution of violent crimes and speed the apprehension and prosecution of violent criminals.