Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

Office Overview

The Washington State Attorney General’s Office is made up of 27 legal divisions located in 12 different cities across the state.  The office consists of more than 1,800 employees, including nearly 800 attorneys providing legal services to more than 230 state agencies, boards and commissions.

According to state law, the Office of the Attorney General is responsible for representing the state of Washington, its officials, departments, boards, commissions, and agencies.  Its specific duties include:

  • Representing the State of Washington before the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals and trial courts in all cases that involve the state’s interest.
  • Advising the Governor, members of the Legislature and other state officers on legal issues, and, when requested, giving written opinions on constitutional or legal questions.
  • Protecting the public by upholding the Consumer Protection Act, enforcing laws against anti-competitive business practices, representing the public interest in utility matters, and protecting the environment as Counsel for the Environment in the siting of energy facilities.
  • Investigating and prosecuting persons accused of crimes if requested to do so by the Governor or a county prosecutor.