Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown




Consumer Resource Center

Available Monday - Friday, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. 

1-800-551-4636 (Washington Only)

File a consumer complaint
File an online complaint here
Mail paper complaint forms to:
Attorney General’s Office
Consumer Resource Center
800 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2000
Seattle, WA 98104



The Consumer Protection Division is composed of attorneys and professional staff. The division enforces the Consumer Protection Act (RCW 19.86) and other statutes to help keep the Washington marketplace free of unfair and deceptive practices. The division investigates and files legal actions to stop unfair and deceptive practices, recovers refunds for consumers, seeks penalties against offending entities, and recovers costs and fees to ensure that wrongdoers pay for their actions. Division staff participate in the many legislative initiatives that affect consumer protection each year.

The division’s Consumer Resource Center provides an informal complaint resolution service. The informal complaint resolution process includes notifying businesses of written complaints and facilitating communication between the consumer and the business to assist in resolving the complaint.

The Consumer Protection Division provides information and education to businesses and the public on consumer issues and issues alerts and press releases to warn consumers and businesses about fraudulent or predatory activities.

The Consumer Protection Division is also responsible for the administration of Washington’s Lemon Law for new motor vehicle warranty enforcement. The Lemon Law program provides important information to consumers regarding their rights and remedies under the Lemon Law and the Lemon Law arbitration process.  The Lemon Law program also provides consumer and industry education and enforcement regarding manufacturer and dealer obligations under the law.

The division also administers the Manufactured/Mobile Home Dispute Resolution Program (MHDRP). The MHDRP facilitates dispute resolution between manufactured/mobile home landlords and tenants in situations where the tenant owns the home but rents a space from the landlord.  The MHDRP is authorized to investigate, issue findings and impose fines if there has been a violation of the law.  The MHDRP produces and distributes educational materials regarding the Manufactured/Mobile Home Landlord-Tenant Act (MHLTA).

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Legal Services Provided (to the state)

The division represents the state and the public as a whole, as opposed to individuals, when it brings actions under the Consumer Protection Act.   Attorneys in the Consumer Protection Division cannot represent individual consumers.

Check our news releases for news on Consumer Protection Division lawsuits and enforcement actions.

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Consumer Resources

Consumer Resource Center: The Consumer Resource Center processes thousands of consumer complaints and thousands of consumer telephone calls every year.  As a result of the informal complaint resolution of the 25,000 written consumer complaints, the CRCs help return more than $4 million to the consumers of the state each year.

Lemon Law Program: The Lemon Law Program separately handles thousands of additional telephone inquiries and handles more than 100 arbitration requests each year.  The Lemon Law program has helped return millions of dollars to consumers.

Manufactured/Mobile Home Dispute Resolution Program: The Manufactured/Mobile Home Dispute Resolution Program (MHDRP) enforces the Manufactured/Mobile Home Landlord Tenant Act.  The MHDRP engages landlords and tenants in facilitated negotiation to resolve disputes.  In situations when the parties cannot reach a lawful resolution to the issue, the MHDRP is authorized to investigate, issue findings and impose fines on landlords or tenants who violate the law.

Outreach and Education: The division remains active in the area of outreach and education. We believe that the best way to prevent fraud is to arm consumers with the tools to avoid it before they are victimized. The division also works with other government agencies, non-profits and business organizations to help them help their constituents avoid becoming victims and help businesses avoid enforcement actions. 

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