Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

Are you a procurement professional that is responsible for reviewing bids and/or awarding purchase contracts, and have concerns that something out of the ordinary occurred during the process?  Did some aspect of a recent bid cause any red flags to go up?  Are you suspicious that some type of wrongdoing may have occurred? The Antitrust Division of the Attorney General's Office would like to hear from you.

The Antitrust Division of the Attorney General’s Office investigates complaints of possible bid rigging and price fixing.  As part of this mission, we have assembled on this page numerous training materials for purchasing agents and procurement officials that will help you recognize and identify signs of bid rigging, price fixing, and other forms of collusion. The materials include:

  • PowerPoint presentation on state and federal antitrust laws that prohibit bid rigging, price fixing and collusion;
  • primer to help procurement personnel help identify signs of collusion and bid rigging;
  • PowerPoint presentation on federal statutes that prohibit contract fraud and public corruption.

We’re here to be a resource for you and to address any concerns you may have. After you have reviewed these materials, please feel free to contact the Antitrust Division if you have any concerns about possible illegal practices impacting state contracting funds.  We depend on members of the public to bring potential violations of the antitrust laws to our attention and your vigilance helps us ensure that state funds are not being obtained illegally. You can click here to file an electronic complaint or contact us at the address below. 

Office of the Attorney General
Antitrust Division
800 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2000
Seattle, WA 98104-3188
Telephone: 206-587-5510
Fax: 206-464-6338