Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

Topics covered include: Supporting veterans, preserving the integrity of Washington elections, welcoming a new Open Government Attorney, protecting your privacy, continuing the fight for marriage equality, and recent travels.
Covered topics include: the unveiling of the AGO's Military and Veterans Resource Guide, news from the feds on I-502, an important win for Washington with the latest Hanford ruling, AGO Criminal Justice attorneys blocking the release of a sex predator in Cowlitz County, consumer protection highlights and headlines, and more!
I’m pleased to report that the Courthouse Protection Bill, my first Attorney General-Request legislation, has passed the Senate!  Senate Bill 5484 extends the protections currently granted to some courthouse, legal and law enforcement personnel to all citizens who visit Washington courthouses.  This bipartisan measure, which garnered wide support from law enforcement, prosecutors and victims’ advocates, is now moving through the House of Representatives under the leadership of Rep. Roger Goodman, (D-Kirkland).
Since being sworn in as the 18th Attorney General of Washington, it’s been a busy few weeks! As I become better acquainted with the inner workings of the office, and the vast range of cases and legal issues we’re involved with, I’m pleased to report the rumors are true – the Attorney General’s Office has a fantastic staff, an impressive pool of talent and an outstanding reputation as both a legal and administrative leader among public law firms.