Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

AGO 1976 NO. 19 >

(1) All traffic offenses covered by RCW 46.61.010, as amended by § 1, chapter 95, Laws of 1975-76, 2nd Ex. Sess., including those for which no term of confinement may be imposed, nevertheless constitute crimes (misdemeanors) for which an individual may be arrested and prosecuted in the normal manner provided for by law.   (2) Where a person has been charged with and convicted of a traffic offense for which, under RCW 46.61.010, as amended, no sentence of confinement may be imposed, and that person has been ordered to pay costs as provided for under chapter 96, Laws of 1975-76, 2nd Ex. Sess., he may then be committed to jail for contempt of court for a willful failure to comply with that order in accordance with the provisions of § 3(2) of chapter 96, supra .