Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

AGO 1952 NO. 356 >

A school district created by the reorganization of two previously existing districts, each of which had a school site at the time of the reorganization, which had been selected by the majority vote of the respective districts, cannot acquire a new school site except upon a favorable two-thirds vote of the district at a regular or special election.

AGO 1954 NO. 357 >

The board of directors of a school district may contract for architect's services in connection with a building program for a period exceeding the term of office of the board, but may not contract for an amount in excess of that which was allocated for that purpose in the budget for the year in which the contract was executed.

AGO 1952 NO. 361 >

A school district may submit to the electors of the district at a special election to be held not oftener than twice in the fiscal year in which the levy is to be made, the proposition of whether a special levy should be made in excess of the authorized millage.

AGO 1952 NO. 366 >

The Board of Directors of a school district has no authority to exclude a student from attendance at school solely for the reason that such a student is married.

AGO 1952 NO. 384 >

Notice of refusal to renew a teacher's contract given pursuant to RCW 28.67.070 must state the reason for non-renewal [[nonrenewal]].  Renewal of the contract being discretionary, any reason is sufficient and the teacher has no right of appeal.

AGO 1952 NO. 390 >

Upon consolidation of one school district with another title to the school property of the old district vests automatically in the new district without the necessity of execution of a deed by the old district to the new.

AGO 1952 NO. 410 >

In the exercise of their discretion the directors of a school district may legally permit the use of school buildings for meetings at which a speaker is to discuss controversial religious subjects or present matter in criticism of established organizations, institutions or churches.

AGO 1952 NO. 430 >

The sale of property of a school district of the first class, which has a value in excess of $2,000.00, must be authorized by the voters of the district at a general election or at a special election called for that purpose.  A special "meeting" called pursuant to the provisions of RCW 28.58.370 does not meet the requirements of an "election" as prescribed by RCW 28.62.190.

AGO 1953 NO. 482 >

The directors of second class school district may convey property to a fire district for a nominal consideration if so authorized by the vote of the electors of the district.

AGO 1953 NO. 494 >

RCW 28.58.100 (7) prohibits a school district from collecting a fee from pupils to offset the cost of instructional materials which the district has undertaken to supply.