Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

AGO 1972 NO. 15 >

(1) Under chapter 36.94 RCW, a county may either construct a single system of water and/or sewerage disposal for the entire county or it may create several separate such systems for separate portions of the county.(2) If a county establishes separate systems of water and/or sewerage disposal for separate parts of the county, each system must be covered by a separate "general plan" under RCW 36.94.030, and there must be a separate review committee under RCW 36.94.050 for each such proposed system and plan.

AGLO 1974 NO. 30 >

A county, in the exercise of its authority under chapter 36.94 RCW, to construct and maintain a drainage system, may place any of the physical facilities involved on privately owned land pursuant to easements by the private owners of the land.