Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

How Does Medicaid Fraud Affect Me?

Medicaid Fraud affects every taxpayer!

The more providers steal, the less Medicaid money is available for those who need it.  Some may be excluded from the program altogether.  Others may suffer a loss of available services.  Patients treated by a fraudulent provider may face more problems because of inadequate medical treatment.

Ways to Help Fight Medicaid Fraud:

  • Don't be afraid to question your provider about services or treatment plans you feel are unnecessary;
  • Keep your Medicaid card number and Medicaid records in a secure location.  Do NOT give out medical information or share your card number except with your doctor, clinic, hospital or other health care provider;
  • Be wary of "free" tests, services, or medical products offered in exchange for your Medicaid information.  Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  • Review your Medicaid Summary Notice when you receive it, and make sure you understand all of the items listed, and that all of the services listed were provided to you.
  • If you suspect Medicaid Fraud, do your part to protect the integrity of the Medicaid program and the public resources that fund it.  Report it immediately!    

Where to Report Medicaid Fraud

All suspected fraudulent activity involving the Medicaid Program should be reported immediately.  Please be prepared to provide as much information as possible.  For example:

  • The name and date of birth of the Medicaid client;
  • The name and location of the doctor, hospital, health care provider, or other suspect;
  • The date of services in question;
  • The date and time the abuse occurred;
  • The amount of money that Medicaid approved and/or paid; and
  • A description of the acts that you suspect involve fraud or abuse.

Qui Tam Whistleblower / Medicaid Fraud

Whistleblowers who bring qui tam actions must serve a copy of their complaint and written disclosure of substantially all material evidence and information the person possesses on the Attorney General in electronic form.  The Attorney General’s Office does not accept service by e-mail communication unless a written request is made and written approval is given.  Acceptable electronic formats include a CD, DVD or flash drive. 

These materials should be sent to:

Washington Attorney General's Office
Medicaid Fraud Control Division
2425 Bristol Court
Olympia, WA 98502

Contact the Medicaid Fraud Control Division

You may contact our office directly at:

Office of the Attorney General
Medicaid Fraud Control Division
P.O. Box 40114
Olympia, WA  98504
(360) 586-8888
(360) 586-8877 Fax


You can also use this form to report abuse and/or neglect.

We will attempt to maintain confidentiality to the extent legally possible.