Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown


Committee accused of filing seven reports a total of 445 days late

OLYMPIA — The Attorney General’s Office (AGO) announced that it filed a complaint in King County Superior Court today alleging campaign finance violations by the Eastside Democratic Dinner Committee. Specifically, the committee failed to timely file seven financial disclosure reports accounting for more than $16,000 in contributions and expenditures.

Attorney General Bob Ferguson recused himself from any involvement in the matter.

In April 2017, the AGO received a Citizen Action Notice alleging multiple violations of the state’s public disclosure laws by the committee.

After receiving the notice, the AGO began investigating and found that in 2016 the committee filed four expenditure reports and three contribution reports a combined total of 445 days late. One expenditure report for $8,010 was filed 209 days late, while the three contribution reports — for a total of $7,660 — were filed at least 28 days late.

The state seeks penalties and injunctive relief. The defendant will have 20 days from the date they are served to respond to the state’s complaint.

Senior Assistant Attorney General Linda Dalton and Assistant Attorney General Walter Smith are handling the case.

When the Attorney General’s Office receives a Citizen Action Notice, it has 45 days to investigate and respond to the citizen. If the Attorney General’s Office or local prosecutor does not start litigation, the individual may sue in the name of the state. If litigation is successful, any penalties awarded go to the state, and the individual’s attorney could recover attorney fees and costs. If the citizen’s litigation is unsuccessful, the defendant may recover attorney fees from the state.

The Attorney General’s Office enforces the state’s campaign finance disclosure law to ensure free, open and fair elections in Washington state.


The Office of the Attorney General is the chief legal office for the state of Washington with attorneys and staff in 27 divisions across the state providing legal services to roughly 200 state agencies, boards and commissions. Visit www.atg.wa.gov to learn more.


Brionna Aho, Interim Communications Director, (360) 753-2727; brionna.aho@atg.wa.gov
