Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

If you received a postcard in the mail saying that your prepaid package containing jewelry is waiting for you and you just need to confirm delivery, would you think it was your lucky day?

 parcel notice
 Source: KING 5

KING 5’s Jesse Jones checked out the sender of this “parcel tracking notice” and was told that for a “processing fee” of just $6.95, he could receive freshwater pearls and a half-point genuine diamond!

But wait ... That’s not half of a carat – it’s half of a point, or 1/200 the size of a one-carat stone. Click to watch the story and see just how small that is.

Consumer Protection Division Chief Doug Walsh, who was interviewed for the report, suggests you stay away from these types of offers. “You could be set up for future sales calls or direct mail offers and they won’t need to get your account information because they’ll already have it,” he told KING.

Have you bought into an offer like this one and actually been happy with your purchase? What similar offers have you turned down?


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