Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

Yesterday, our office announced that AG Ferguson filed a lawsuit against StudentLoanProcessing.US (SLP), a student loan debt adjusting firm, and its president James Krause for violating Washington’s Debt Adjusting Act and Consumer Protection Act.
Thanks to Washington's Lottery for drafting this consumer alert Attorney General Bob Ferguson and Officials from Washington's Lottery are bringing attention to lottery scams. Individuals and groups are calling and emailing victims on a more regular basis with the goal of tricking people into thinking they’ve won a lottery prize.
Scammers are posing as recruiters for National Outdoor Media with the intent of stealing personal information.
The ‘Chinese Blessing Scam’ has become an epidemic in Chinatowns across the country. Chinese elderly women are the targeted victims. One scammer approaches the victim trying to find a spiritual doctor. The original scammer is joined by more scammers, claiming that they know this doctor and that he had helped them in some miraculous way. They tell the victim they must put all their valuable’s in a sack and pray over them and not to open the sack for a couple of days. After those couple of days has passed, the bag is opened and all the valuables are gone.    
After receiving more than 500 complaints in the last 36 months, the Better Business Bureau this month issued a warning to businesses about misleading invoices sent by California-based US Telecom. The invoices have been sent to businesses in Eastern Washington, Northern Idaho, Montana and beyond. 
Some people say looks are everything. Is that true? When it comes to shopping for food or clothing, a recent survey says – yes. A cool label or beautiful clothing display can influence what you buy. For example: When I’m looking for spaghetti sauce, I go into the grocery store thinking I’m going to buy “Hunt’s
My New Year’s resolution for 2012 is to make healthier decisions; that means eating better, exercising more and taking the stairs instead of the elevator. I know I’m in good company since many Americans also choose resolutions about health and wellness. In our noble efforts to improve our physical health, we need to be sure to guard our financial health as well.
Children, as well as adults, are at risk of being victims of identity theft. It is a growing problem that can go on undetected longer and is harder to recover from. Unlike adults, who should be checking their bank and credit card statements and credit reports regularly, children often don’t know they have become a victim until they grow up and are denied a student loan or credit card. By then, the damage has been done and can be extensive.
We have warned you before about skimming scams, and how hard it is to detect the small bits of plastic on ATMs. Anyone can fall victim and not realize it until after the thieves have racked up large purchases using the stolen card information. This is includes our state’s top law enforcer, U.S. Attorney Jenny Durkan.
Lots of Americans carry wallets around every day. It’s a great way to keep your cash, cards, and IDs organized. But wallets are also easily lost or stolen, and if that happens to you when you’re carrying around the wrong kinds of information, it could make you an easy target for identity theft. Fortunately, Mellody Hobson and ABC News have some great tips on what to put—and what not to put—in your wallet.


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