Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

SEATTLE — A federal judge today granted Washington State’s motion for a nationwide temporary restraining order against President Donald Trump’s unconstitutional attempt to deny birthright citizenship to the children of immigrants who will be born in the United States. The judge’s order blocks federal agencies from implementing the president’s executive order on birthright citizenship while the court initially considers the case.
OLYMPIA — El procurador general Nick Brown anunció hoy que Washington está liderando una demanda federal multiestatal que desafía la orden inconstitucional del presidente Donald Trump que intenta despojar unilateralmente de la ciudadanía a estadounidenses a lo largo de Estados Unidos, incluidos miles de bebés que nacen en Washington cada año. 
OLYMPIA — Attorney General Nick Brown announced today that Washington is leading a multistate federal lawsuit challenging President Donald Trump’s unconstitutional order attempting to unilaterally strip citizenship from Americans across the United States, including thousands of babies born in Washington each year. 
SEATTLE — Attorney General Nick Brown released the following statement today in response to executive actions by the White House that could harm Washingtonians:
SEATTLE — Attorney General Nick Brown today announced the resolution of a lawsuit against Puppyland and its owners. Puppyland will pay the state $3.75 million and end its illegal advertising and sales practices.
OLYMPIA — Today the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit sided with Attorney General Nick Brown, affirming decisions by a lower court and a jury that found the for-profit operator of the Northwest ICE Processing Center exploited detainee workers and unjustly enriched itself through unlawful labor practices.
OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced today that due to his Medicaid Fraud Control Division’s investigation, Lincare Inc. paid Washington state $1.15 million. This will reimburse the state’s Medicaid program for Lincare’s fraudulent overbilling of leased oxygen equipment. 
SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson filed a consumer protection lawsuit today against T-Mobile for failing to adequately secure sensitive personal information of more than two million Washingtonians. That failure resulted in a massive data breach that exposed the personal information of those consumers and made them vulnerable to fraud and identity theft.    
WENATCHEE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced today that a Douglas County Superior Court judge sentenced a former physician’s assistant from Waterville to the maximum sentence of 364 days confinement, with one year of community custody. Eldon Leinweber will serve six months in jail, followed by six months of electronic home monitoring. 
SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced today Metropolitan Commercial Bank will pay $10 million to Washington state as part of his innovative fraud recovery program to return unemployment funds stolen during the COVID pandemic. This initiative has so far brought in more than $52 million from banks across the U.S. that accepted stolen unemployment funds.
