Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

AGO 2003 NO. 1 >
SCHOOL DISTRICTS– EDUCATION – Authority of school districts to undertake various fundraising activities. School districts have relatively broad authority to undertake fundraising activities where the activity in question is related to the statutory purposes of the district and the district can show
AGO 2003 NO. 2 >
WASHINGTON CITIZENS’ COMMISSION ON SALARY FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS – SALARIES AND WAGES – PUBLIC OFFICERS – Authority of Citizens’ Commission to consider economic and budget issues in setting elected officials’ salaries. The Citizens’ Commission on Salary for Elected Officials may consider such
AGO 2003 NO. 3 >
TRAFFIC INFRACTIONS – MOTOR VEHICLES – COURTS – Whether recipient of a notice of traffic infraction is entitled to receive a copy of the infraction bearing the recipient’s own signature. The recipient of a “notice of traffic infraction” under RCW 46.63 or a “traffic citation and notice to appear”
AGO 2003 NO. 4 >
INSURANCE COMMISSIONER – HEALTH INSURANCE POOL – HEALTH INSURANCE – CORPORATIONS – Authority of Washington State Health Insurance Pool to incorporate. 1.  The Washington State Health Insurance Pool is an entity created by statute for specified state purposes and lacks the authority to assume
AGO 2003 NO. 5 >
COLLECTIVE BARGAINING – COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES – FACULTY – Duty of public four-year education institutions to collective bargaining with faculty employees. Laws of 2002, ch. 356 imposes a duty on public four-year education institutions in Washington to engage in collective bargaining with
AGO 2003 NO. 6 >
ACTIVE SERVICE – ELECTED OFFICIALS – LEAVE OF ABSENCE – MILITARY – OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES – PUBLIC OFFICERS – Application of military leave statute to elected officials. RCW 38.40.060, which provides fifteen days of military leave for state officers and employees who are subject to military duty,
AGO 2003 NO. 7 >
SCHOOL DISTRICTS– SCHOOLS – PUBLIC FUNDS – Constitutionality of using school district funds to pay for the cost of providing meals in a school breakfast program where not all participating students meet federal income eligibility requirements. It would not be unconstitutional for a school district
AGO 2003 NO. 8 >
STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION- SCHOOLS – SCHOOL TEACHERS – Extent of authority of Board of Education under RCW 28A.195.010 to permit private schools to employ non-Washington certificated teachers. WAC 180-90-112, which permits private schools to hire non-Washington state certificated teachers under
AGO 2003 NO. 9 >
CITIES AND TOWNS – MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICTS – SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS – Extent to which city-owned property is subject to special assessment for operations of mosquito control district.             Lands owned by a city, which are located within
AGO 2003 NO. 10 >
CITIES AND TOWNS – Authority of city to grant options to landowners when imposing development conditions pursuant to RCW 82.02.020 Under RCW 82.02.020, a city may lawfully (1) require an owner seeking a building permit to install sidewalks assuming the city can meet the standards set forth in the