Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

AGO 1990 NO. 1 >
AIDS ‑- EDUCATION ‑- HEALTH ‑- SCHOOLS ‑- SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 1.  RCW 28A.05.055 requires school districts to provide education on acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) at least once during each school year beginning with the 1988-89 school year.2.  If a school
AGO 1990 NO. 2 >
APPOINTMENT ‑- RESIGNATION ‑- OFFICES AND OFFICERS ‑- DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE ‑- GOVERNOR ‑- LEGISLATURE 1.  When the Governor appoints a Director of Wildlife pursuant to RCW 43.17.020, to serve at the pleasure of the Governor, and notifies the Senate as required by RCW 43.06.030, the
AGO 1990 NO. 3 >
CITIES AND TOWNS ‑- MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS ‑- TAXATION ‑- PUBLIC UTILITY 1. A municipality that imposes a tax on its electric utility department pursuant to RCW 35.21.860 and [35.21].865 may measure the tax by the utility department's gross revenues, derived from the utility's customers located
AGO 1990 NO. 4 >
SHERIFF ‑- LAW ENFORCEMENT ‑- CITIES AND TOWNS ‑- CONTRACTS ‑- INTERLOCAL COOPERATION ACT ‑- COUNTIES 1.  The county sheriff's duty to enforce state law applies equally in incorporated and unincorporated areas of the county. 2.  If a city is unable to provide for adequate police
AGO 1990 NO. 5 >
CIVIL SERVICE--CONTRACTS--DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND HEALTH SERVICES--EMPLOYERS AND EMPLOYEES RCW 71A.12.110 empowers the Secretary of the Department of Social and Health Services to enter into agreements to pay the contracting party to perform services that the Secretary is authorized to provide
AGO 1990 NO. 6 >
COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ‑- COUNTIES ‑- OFFICES AND OFFICERS ‑- DISTRICTS ‑- ELECTIONS 1.         InBoard of Estimate v. Morris the United States Supreme Court struck down a voting system in which borough presidents, who were voting members of the Board of
AGO 1990 NO. 7 >
FIREMEN ‑- PENSIONS ‑- DISABILITY ‑- FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTS ‑- MEDICAL BENEFITS 1.   The obligation imposed by RCW 41.18.060 to provide medical care for a fireman who has been disabled cannot be fulfilled by the purchase of a medical insurance policy. 2.   The
AGO 1990 NO. 8 >
SCHOOLS--DISTRICTS--MORTGAGES--REAL PROPERTY An individual school district cannot finance the acquisition of real property for school district purposes by borrowing funds from an institutional lender and securing payment of the obligation with a mortgage on the property acquired with the loan
AGO 1990 NO. 9 >
LICENSES ‑- BOARD OF REGISTRATION FOR ARCHITECTS ‑- ARCHITECT ‑- ENGINEERS ‑- BUILDINGS ‑- CITIES AND TOWNS ‑- COUNTIES 1.   A registered architect or professional engineer must sign and stamp or seal each individual page containing a building construction drawing, or revision thereto,
AGO 1990 NO. 10 >
COUNSEL AND RELEASE--MINORS--JUVENILE COURT--DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING--REVOCATION DRIVERS LICENSES--CRIMES--PUNISHMENT RCW 13.40.265(2)(a) provides that if a juvenile enters into a diversion agreement with a diversion unit concerning certain offenses, the Department of Licensing shall be notified.