Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

AGO NO. 1 >
MOTOR VEHICLES ‑- INTOXICATING LIQUOR ‑- HOSPITALS ‑- BLOOD TEST ‑- LIABILITY FOR IMPOSITION OF BLOOD TEST  (1) The immunity from civil liability which is granted by RCW 46.61.508 to hospitals and their personnel administering blood tests in accordance with RCW 46.20.308 (implied consent) is
AGO NO. 2 >
HIGHWAYS ‑- COUNTY ROADS ‑- MOTOR VEHICLES ‑- SNOWMOBILES ‑- LOCAL REGULATION OF SNOWMOBILES ON PUBLIC HIGHWAYS OR ROADWAYS (1) Under RCW 46.10.110, a board of county commissioners (as the responsible governing body in the case of county roads) may open to snowmobiles a county road which is also
AGO NO. 3 >
 TAXATION ‑- PROPERTY ‑- COUNTIES ‑- CITIES AND TOWNS ‑- APPLICATION OF 106 PERCENT LIMITATION TO COUNTY TAX REFUND LEVY  The 106 percent limitation on property taxes imposed by RCW 84.55.010 applies to taxes levied by a county pursuant to RCW 84.68.040 for the county refund fund; and the
AGO NO. 4 >
COURTS ‑- DISTRICT ‑- MUNICIPAL ‑- MOTOR VEHICLES ‑- TRAFFIC INFRACTIONS ‑- JURISDICTION OF MUNICIPAL OR POLICE COURTS OVER TRAFFIC INFRACTIONS RCW 43.63.040 [46.63.040] does not vest a municipal or police court with jurisdiction over a traffic infraction based on an alleged violation of state law
AGO NO. 5 >
DISTRICTS ‑- SCHOOLS ‑- TEACHERS ‑- INITIATIVE NO. 62 ‑- FUNDING COSTS OF SICK LEAVE CASH OUT ‑- ENFORCEMENT OF INITIATIVE NO. 62  (1) School districts are not entitled to be reimbursed by the state under the provisions of Initiative No. 62, § 6 (1) for the additional costs resulting from the
AGO NO. 6 >
OFFICES AND OFFICERS ‑- LEGISLATURE ‑- MEMBERS ‑- VACANCY ‑- APPOINTMENT AND ELECTION OF SUCCESSOR UNDER REDISCTRCTING ACT  In view of the enactment of a legislative redistricting plan by chapter 288, Laws of 1981, a certain legislative vacancy resulting from the resignation of an encumbent on
AGO NO. 7 >
COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES ‑- COMMUNITY COLLEGES ‑- PROPERTY ‑- APPROPRIATIONS ‑- USE AND DISPOSITION OF PROCEEDS FROM SALE OF COMMUNITY COLLEGE REAL PROPERTY  In the event of a sale of community college real property by the State Board for Community College Education pursuant to RCW 28B.50.090
AGO NO. 8 >
DISTRICTS ‑- SCHOOL ‑- EMPLOYEES ‑- INSURANCE ‑- COLLECTIVE ‑- BARGAINING ‑- CONTINUATION OF PREVIOUS RATE FOR EMPLOYEES' INSURANCE BENEFITS  In the event that a certain school district previously entered into a collective bargaining agreement covering its employees under which the district
AGO NO. 9 >
USURY ‑- INTEREST ‑- REAL ESTATE ‑- CONTRACTS ‑- BANKS AND BANKING ‑- SALE ‑- MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES UNDER 1981 STATE LEGISLATION  (1) In the light of 1981 legislation, the maximum rate of interest, or service charge, which may now lawfully be imposed in connection with designated types of
AGO NO. 10 >
BONDS ‑- STATE ‑- FINANCING CAPITAL PROJECTS OF WASHINGTON PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM THROUGH ISSUANCE OF STATE BONDS  The legislature could, constitutionally, fund the construction of capital projects by the Washington Public Power Supply System through the issuance of state general