Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

AGO NO. 1 >
REAL ESTATE ‑- PRACTICE OF LAW ‑- CLOSING REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS BY LICENSED REAL ESTATE AGENTS  The Washington Supreme Court's rulings in Hagen v. Kassler Escrow, Inc., 96 Wn.2d 443 (1981) andBar Association v. Great Western Federal, 91 Wn.2d 48 (1978) do not preclude licensed real estate
AGO NO. 2 >
CITIES AND TOWNS ‑- MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS ‑- ELECTRICAL ‑- APPLICABILITY OF STATE ELECTRICAL CODE TO INSTALLATION OF WIRING BY MUNICIPALITIES  (1)  When a city or other municipality which does not have its own electrical code as provided in RCW 19.28.360 installs, or causes to be
AGO NO. 3 >
LEGISLATURE ‑- JOINT LEGISLATIVE ARTS COMMITTEE ‑- DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL ADMINISTRATION ‑- ART ‑- RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORKS OF ART IN LEGISLATIVE BUILDING Identification of the respective powers and responsibilities of the Joint Legislative Arts Committee, the State Capitol Committee, the Department
AGO NO. 4 >
COURTS ‑- JUSTICE COURTS ‑- MOTOR VEHICLES ‑- VENUE IN CASE OF CRIMINAL OFFENSES UNDER MOTOR VEHICLE CODE  The proper venue for those violations of the state Motor Vehicle Code which remain criminal offenses under RCW 46.63.020, in those counties governed by the 1961 Justice Court Act, is in
AGO NO. 5 >
MOTOR VEHICLES ‑- COURTS ‑- JUSTICE COURTS ‑- TRAFFIC INFRACTION PENALTY ASSESSMENTS The $25 penalty imposed by § 5(3), chapter 19, Laws of 1981, for failure to respond to a notice of traffic infraction is not subject to the assessments imposed by RCW 43.101.210 or § 7(6), chapter 330, Laws of 1981
AGO NO. 6 >
PENSIONS ‑- RETIREMENT ‑- PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM ‑- TEACHERS' RETIREMENT SYSTEM ‑- LIABILITY FOR ADDED PENSION COSTS  Payment of a lump sum amount to a retiree for accrued annual leave at the time of his or her termination of employment does not constitute a salary increase for
AGO NO. 7 >
DISTRICT ‑- PORT ‑- ELECTIONS ‑- ELECTION OF ADDITIONAL PORT COMMISSIONERS UNDER CHAPTER 219, LAWS OF 1982  (1) The "next general election," for the purposes of RCW 53.12.120 as amended by § 1, chapter 219, Laws of 1982 (relating to the means of increasing the number of commissioners in
AGO NO. 8 >
OFFICES AND OFFICERS ‑- COUNTY ‑- COMMISSIONERS ‑- EMPLOYEES ‑- CIVIL SERVICE ‑- ADOPTION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF COUNTY PERSONNEL SYSTEM  There is no authority, under existing state law, for the adoption and implementation, by the board of county commissioners of a noncharter county, of a
AGO NO. 9 >
CRIMES ‑- COURTS ‑- COUNTIES ‑- CITIES AND TOWNS ‑- PENALTY ASSESSMENTS FOR CRIME VICTIMS' COMPENSATION  (1) Under the provisions of § 6, chapter 8, Laws of 1982, 1st Ex. Sess., the Administrator for the Courts is required, in 1983, to compile a report covering crime victims' compensation
AGO NO. 10 >
OFFICES AND OFFICERS ‑- COUNTY ‑- PROSECUTING ATTORNEY ‑- COMMISSIONERS ‑- SALARIES ‑- ELECTIONS ‑- ESTABLISHMENT OF FULL-TIME PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE IN FIFTH THROUGH NINTH CLASS COUNTY The board of county commissioners of a fifth through ninth class county may not, simply by making a public