Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

AGLO NO. 11 >
OFFICES AND OFFICERS ‑- STATE ‑- LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD ‑- INTOXICATING LIQUOR ‑- SALE OF CONFISCATED LIQUOR IN STATE LIQUOR STORES The Washington State Liquor Board may sell, through state liquor stores and agencies, unopened liquor which has been lawfully confiscated by the Board or by other
AGLO NO. 12 >
MOTOR VEHICLES ‑- COURTS ‑- PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO RESPOND TO TRAFFIC INFRACTION NOTICE Identification of the maximum penalties for failure to respond to a notice of a traffic infraction, including local parking violations, under 1982 amendatory legislation.       
AGLO NO. 13 >
OFFICES AND OFFICERS ‑- STATE ‑- BOARD OF HEALTH ‑- ABORTIONS ‑- ACCREDITED HOSPITAL ‑- PERFORMANCE OF ABORTIONS IN OTHER APPROVED MEDICAL FACILITIES The State Board of Health, acting pursuant to RCW 9.02.070, may sanction the performance of second trimester abortions in medical facilities other
AGLO NO. 14 >
OFFICES AND OFFICERS ‑- STATE ‑- DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND HEALTH SERVICES ‑- LICENSES ‑- FEES ‑- FEE FOR LICENSE ISSUED PURSUANT TO RCW 70.98.080. The Department of Social and Health Services, in its capacity as the state radiation control agency under chapter 70.98 RCW, is authorized by § 2,
AGLO NO. 15 >
OFFICES AND OFFICERS ‑- STATE ‑- SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION ‑- ADMINISTRATIVE LAW ‑- SCHOOLS ‑- INTER-DISTRICT STUDENT TRANSFERS After July 1, 1982, the hearing contemplated by WAC 392-137-060, relating to the approval of inter-district student transfers by the State Superintendent of
AGLO NO. 16 >
JUVENILES ‑- COURTS ‑- DIVERSION OF JUVENILE OFFENDERS The only diversion procedures for juvenile offenders which may be said either to be authorized by, or consistent with, the provisions of the Juvenile Justice Act of 1977 (as amended) are those procedures outlined in RCW 13.40.080 and, in turn,
AGLO NO. 17 >
PENSIONS ‑- RETIREMENT ‑- PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM ‑- TEACHERS' RETIREMENT SYSTEM ‑- LIABILITY OR ADDED PENSION COSTS (1) It is the level of salary increases which have been granted to all employees of the particular employer, and not merely certain classes of employees of that employer
AGLO NO. 18 >
COURTS ‑- JUSTICE ‑- MUNICIPAL JUDGE ‑- POWERS OF CERTAIN POLICE JUDGE UNDER RCW 35A.20.020 An attorney who is not also an elected justice of the peace, but who is appointed as the police judge of a code city under RCW 35A.20.020, does not thereby gain the powers of a justice of the peace as well
AGLO NO. 19 >
OFFICES AND OFFICERS ‑- COUNTY ‑- CLERK ‑- FEES ‑- JUDGMENTS ‑- IMPOSITION OF ADDITIONAL FILING FEE UPON COMMENCEMENT OF SUPPLEMENTAL PROCEEDINGS A county clerk is not authorized to impose an additional filing fee, pursuant to RCW 36.18.020 when a judgment creditor, after filing the abstract of
AGLO NO. 20 >
COURTS ‑- SUPERIOR ‑- CRIMES ‑- PROBATION ‑- FEES ‑- ASSESSMENT FOR SUPERVISION OF PROBATIONERS The provisions of § 2, chapter 207, Laws of 1982, relating to the imposition of a monetary assessment upon a criminal offender to pay for certain probation services, will not become legally operative