Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

AGO 1956 NO. 301 >
COUNCIL FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH ‑- RELATIONSHIP TO DIVISION OF CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES The policies formulated and recommended by the state council for children and youth should be taken into account by the director of institutions and the supervisor of children and youth services in order to
AGO 1956 NO. 302 >
CITIES AND TOWNS ‑- RIGHT TO SALARY INCREASE DURING TERM ‑- EXTENSION OF TERM Where a city official's term has been extended for one year for the purpose of harmonizing election dates and the legislature grants an increased salary for such official he is not entitled to the increase in salary
AGO 1956 NO. 303 >
CITIES ‑- COMPREHENSIVE ZONING A city may change its comprehensive plan of zoning if the change promotes health, safety and public welfare.                            
AGO 1956 NO. 304 >
CITIES ‑- PARKING REGULATIONS ‑- USE OF FINO-METERS A City of the first class has the power to install fino-meters.                                
AGO 1956 NO. 305 >
ACQUISITION OF FEDERAL SURPLUS PROPERTY Division of Purchasing, Surplus Property Section, may acquire Federal surplus property for any state or municipal agency.                        
AGO 1956 NO. 306 >
COUNTIES ‑- COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ‑- POWER TO ESTABLISH A CIVIL SERVICE OR MERIT SYSTEM FOR DEPUTY SHERIFFS The Board of County Commissioners of Clallam County cannot establish a civil service or merit system without a statute enabling them to do so.         
AGO 1956 NO. 307 >
COURT COSTS ‑- JURY FEES ‑- ATTORNEYS' FEES FOR INDIGENT DEFENDANTS ‑- SUPERIOR COURTS ‑- CHANGE OF VENUE ‑- LIABILITY OF COUNTIES FOR COURT COSTS ON CHANGE OF VENUE Where a change of venue is granted in a criminal case from the superior court of one county to the superior court of another county,
AGO 1956 NO. 308 >
THE CONSTRUCTION OF A TOLL BRIDGE PARALLEL TO THE EXISTING LAKE WASHINGTON FLOATING BRIDGE BY THE TOLL BRIDGE AUTHORITY In the absence of specific legislative authority, the Toll Bridge Authority cannot construct a toll bridge parallel to the existing Lake Washington Bridge to be paid for by the
AGO 1956 NO. 309 >
CITIES AND TOWNS ‑- FIREMEN'S BENEFITS ‑- DISABILITY ALLOWANCE ‑- ELIGIBILITY 1. Where a fireman is permanently disabled in line of duty the firemen's benefit act in effect at the time of his disability governs his inactive duty disability pension. 2. The six-month period after disability during
AGO 1956 NO. 310 >
POLICE PENSIONS ‑- APPLICABLE LAW Police officers have a vested contractual interest in the pension provisions in force at the commencement of their employment.  Any subsequent legislative amendments must be agreed to by them.